Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just another day . . .

Closed roads.  Flood warnings.  Flight delays.  Lots of rain.

A hurricane?  No, just another day in Chicago.  I feel like rain must be a trigger for me to update the blog, but it might just be the coincidence of it pouring rain two Saturdays in a  row.  This particular rainstorm is supposed to last a few days.  Which means that when studying there are three things you need to keep close by (see below)

From left to right:  coffee, book, pillow!

Here's the view from our house right now:

Notice the sweet grill we have in the picture below--I'm trying to learn how to barbecue like a real man!  Kind of hard in the rain though . . .
In non-weather related news, Molly and I are doing pretty well.  Molly continues to get adjusted to working at her new job, and has up and down days.  I stopped by today and got to see her interacting with kids and parents a little bit, and let me say she does an excellent job!  I wish they would let me come and watch her more often--it's fun to see a pro in action.

My schooling is going well.  So far I'm doing great at Greek, which has been surprising to me.  But as I tell people here, I've got no excuse for doing poorly at school at the moment--I've got plenty of time to study!  Other than Greek I've just been doing a lot of reading.  I'm especially enjoying my Biblical Theology class and my Old Testament class, both of which are giving me lots of new insights into how to study scripture. 

We're spending more time with new friends out here, which is a huge blessing.  You can keep praying for us to find a new church home--so far we haven't found anything we're very thrilled about.  Molly is in a women's bible study on campus that she is enjoying, so that's been good for her to get to know a few other women around here.  And we've been able to see our sisters in Wheaton a few times, which is always really great.

Well I should go back to studying.  Hope you're all doing well--feel free to email or give us a call any time.  I'll try to convince Molly to give an update the next time--make sure she agrees with me about how things are going!  Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Reiders! Sounds like you're getting used to different kinds of weather too! We're also in the same boat as far as finding a church. It's such a process to find a new church that's a good fit. Anyway, thanks for the updates, we enjoy reading them. If we didn't see already, we have our own blog at